Monday, June 20, 2011


So the healing continues. Was able to get in an easy run last Monday (25 minutes about 2.5 miles). Rode the stationary bike Tuesday for 30 minutes (went about half as fast as usual). Wednesday, met Gerrit for a run. Nancy and I ran about 15 minutes as a warmup to meet him. Then we ran 3.86 miles at a 7:37 pace. Ankle hurt the most. Took Thursday off because the surgeon rubbed my wounds till they bled. They throbbed the rest of the night. Friday night did some heavy leg presses, definitely sore. Saturday rode the bike for 30 minutes (almost as fast as normal). Sunday, Nancy and I did a race in Central Park (5 miles). I ran with her the whole time and we finished together in 42:10. Took today off and will try some heavy squats tomorrow.

Hoping to get in the pool next week.


  1. ouch! they had to scrub them again!! yikes! hang in there!

  2. so glad you were brave to get back on the bike again..continued thoughts and prayers for you.
