After seeing Max's email this morning and then connecting with a few more members of the Trimax family, I have to say how great this idea is of linking us all together. Most of us do this training on our own for a number of reasons (work, family, etc.). So it is nice to see that I am in fact, part of a team, "Team Trimax".
Blogging has been more enjoyable than I originally thought it would be and I am excited to see that others will be blogging too. I look forward to reading them and now I have a team to keep me motivated and to push me when I need it.
Here are my results from the past few workouts. Switched the 1/2 and 1/3 workouts since I had the 2nd part of my Total Immersion workshop ( I substituted the 2 hours in the pool for the swim WOD). The 2nd part of the workout was 10,20,30 rep rounds of box jumps, knee pushups, burpees and pullups for time. Nancy questioned my manhood with the knee pushups so I substituted regular pushups for the knee pushups. Finished this workout in 19:32. Burpees are always hard for me. I still am a surprised I did all the pullups myself with no assistance.
Sunday was 5 sets of 5 reps max weight back squats. I warmed up with the bar and got to work. Here are the results; 135,185,185,175,175. I could have continued with the 185, but my form would have suffered too much. I was pleased with the results since on 12/13 my max 1 rep squat was 185. Then it was off to the stationary bike for the 40k TT. 84:54 later I was done in more ways than one.
Yesterday was an off day. Good thing too as it felt as if I literally got kicked in the rear. It was as if someone gave me 2 swift kicks (one in each cheek).
Today's workout was a double (so what else is new). First workout was Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats AMRAP in 20 minutes). Finished 16 rounds in the prescribed time. I am harping on the fact that I can do pullups now with out assistance. Then I recovered a whole 3 1/2 minutes before getting on the treadmill for my 10K TT. The gym for our apartment has 4 treadmills and 2 were out of order. There is a 30 minute time limit if people are waiting. Part of me (around the 20 minute mark) was hoping for someone to ask me to get off. No such luck, so I stuck it out and finished in 46:13 (34 seconds off my pr).
I look forward to getting to know all of you through your individual blogs and really can't wait until we all meet at the races this year.
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