Monday, February 22, 2010

Can you get sore from 25 squats?

The answer is an emphatic yes!

Due to scheduling switching, yesterday I did 5 Sets of 5 reps of squats. Warmed up with 135lbs. First set was at 185lbs., second set was at 205lbs., third set was going to be at 205 again, but I thought why not try 215lbs. Asked Nancy to monitor my form as I was concerned I would not be going deep enough. Was able to do these last 3 sets at 215lbs. with Nancy's approval of my form. She actually said my form was better with the 215lbs. than the 205lbs.

So to track my squatting progress again;
11/3/09 165lbs. for 3 reps max
12/26/09 185lbs. for 3 reps max
1/12/10 185lbs. for 5 reps max
2/22/10 215lbs. for 5 reps max

I am really happy with the strength gains, especially since I have always felt my legs to be a weak area.

Saturday's workout was a double, first part was 150 wall ball shots for time. I substituted 150 thrusters with the 45lb. bar, finished in 12:32.

Then I had a 500yd swim for time. This is the first time since my total immersion class that I tried to swim whole stroke free style for any length. My time was
15:13. I can imagine people reading this saying, OMG, he's slow. I know I am slow. The good thing was I didn't feel as if I was drowning and felt pretty good when I was done. I tried a couple of times to go faster, but my form suffered, so I slowed down. My goal for the swim is to swim with less effort so I have more energy for the bike and the run. I know once my form improves, I will get faster (I can't get much slower!)


  1. Keep swimming Dan! the shore is close...

  2. I agree - just keep swimming and concentrating on form - it will come.

  3. Great job Dan

    Swimming is all about good form & technique. Just keep on focusing on that & the speed will come.
