Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I am not a smart man

As Forest Gump said "I am not a smart man". Well Forest, neither am I. The WOD was 100 reps of deadlifts at body weight. I weigh 178, but put 185 on the bar because it was easiest to put together. I find I am often blissfully unaware of how difficult things can be. I was planning on doing 10 sets of 10 reps with about a one minute rest in between. I figured I could get this workout done in less than 20 minutes. I used a platform in the gym that allowed me to go low enough for my hands to hit the platform (lower than if the 45lb plates hit the floor).

The first set I had to stop after 6 reps. The first 50 were done in 13 minutes, the last 50 in 23 minutes for a total time of 36 minutes flat. My grip, forearms, hamstrings and low back were screaming by the 50th rep. To add to the indignity of it all on my last rep, I lost the grip. I had to take the weight off, lift the bar and put the weight back on to finish the last one. On my way to the gym I was planning to do the 4 5K TT when this was done. I barely made it home. I will make up this workout, maybe tomorrow as it is a scheduled off day.

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